inner voices

Monday, January 30, 2006


So I've been tagged by Lisa, who is totally awesome, to do this. Therefore, I must fill it out and tag others. Enjoy.

here are my 4s:
Four jobs I've had:
- Summer Associate at a law firm
- Lifeguard
- Swim instructor
- usher at Ravinia

Four Movies I can watch over and over:
- Grease
- Sixteen Candles
- Legally Blonde
- Top Gun

Four Places I've Lived:
- Cambridge
- Colorado Springs
- Glencoe
- Chicago

Four TV shows I love:
- Gilmore Girls
- What Not to Wear
- The OC
- Jeopardy!

Four places I've vacationed:
- Beaver Creek, Colorado
- San Francisco (and San Jose and Sonoma), California
- Tucson, Arizona
- Las Vegas

Four of my favorite dishes:
- Paella (made by my mother)
- Banana ice cream
- a Chipotle fajita burrito
- crab cakes

Four sites I visit daily:
- Chicago Tribune
- Sudoku
- Friendster
- Sister Hazel

Four places I would rather be right now:
- on a mountain skiing
- on a beach in the sun
- in my bed (sleeping)
- Colorado

Four bloggers I am tagging to fill out this meme and do something productive with their life:
Jamie, Tyler, Kim, and Jay

Friday, January 27, 2006

hot 'n sweaty

Nothing indecent, just got back from a run. I got new running shoes today. I knew it was time for a new pair, but I definitely didn't realize how badly worn my old ones were until I tried on a new pair today. Granted, between the shoes and the plane ticket I bought yesterday (to come into town for Mandy's wedding in March), I will have no money for hte month of February... But it's worth it (both purchases).

Time has been absolutely FLYING since I've been home. Not sure how it's already Friday! Especially since I really haven't done that much. Spent Weds with my grandmother and had lunch with Tyler yesterday. Have put in a few hours each day on my paper (and hope to spend most of Monday working on it too). Today I went downtown to have lunch with someone from my law firm and get a form for my bar application notarized (scary!) (and go to the good store to buy running shoes).

Busy weekend -- if you're here I hope I'm seeing you! Wish I didn't have to head back to Cambridge on Tuesday :( Oh well. Off to shower.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

made it home

After a hellish weekend of studying and other disasters, I did indeed make it through my final yesterday morning. Who knows how I did -- could have aced it could have failed it and I really won't know until I get my grades back (which will be before April... like in March maybe). I got lucky with my flight yesterday. The weather in Boston was awful and they all but shut down the airport but by the time my flight was supposed to leave things were picking back up and I ended up only being 30 minutes delayed.

And now I'm home. Sort of stuck here too, without a car. Bonding time with the dogs and time to put in some major work on the paper. What a fun week off this will be...

Saturday, January 21, 2006

just because i needed it...

So now my sink is broken. Actually, the drain/disposal is broken. Don't know what happened but there's 2 inches of water and little food particles in the sink and I havne't turned it on all day. Called the super, don't have a clue when he'll get back to me (it is Saturday night after all). Just another thing on the list of things that I don't need right now...

going out of my mind

First problems first: I really am afraid that I'm going to fail my final on Monday. And I'm not sure how much my *studying* is helping since there are about 2 gazillion concepts, maybe 10 of which I understand and another 10 of which I'd recognize and the rest I have been trying to learn for 3 weeks but have not managed to understand a word of. I have never been this worried about a final before. But 8 hours of studying today has made me pretty much hit my maximum productiveness. I could keep going tonight but my brain isn't really functioning anymore. So tomorrow will be more hell.

Other problems that occupied the latter half of my week: my computer has been going insane. First, Microsoft Outlook decides that it can't connect to my email server anymore. This happens occasionally and usually fixes itself but in the meantime I'm stuck using the webmail client which is so annoying. Then, on Thursday I was prompted to update iTunes and doing so made it not work and fucked up other things on my computer. Finally fixed that yesterday but am actually really annoyed at Apple's lack of helpfulness. They were telling people "it's software made for Windows so it's a Microsoft problem" while Microsoft said "it's Apple software, it's an Apple problem." It actually turned out that it's a Norton problem but very common and no one knew how to fix it. Finally got it figured out and can happily use iTunes again.

Phew -- that was a lot of venting. I promise I'll be better as of about 12:30 Monday when my final is over. Then I hop on a plane to Chicago for 8 days. On another note, WHOA -- the wind outside is insane. I feel like it's going to blow over my building.... I really hope it doesn't!
OK, off to finish studying for the day and collapse...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I Love the 90s

So I'm bored and watching VH1's "I Love the 90s" and I've watched 93 and am in 94 right now and the memories are flooding back. I mean, I love the 80s are funny but I remember all the shit fromt hese 90s ones (and these ones are long enough ago that I still find them funny, as opposed to stuff that happened when I was in high school). So we're in junior high land and wow. There was Snow with "Informer" (which in my weird little life was transmuted into "Farmer" by a guy in my 6th grade class), movies that at the time were so good, like "Speed" and "Reality Bites" and then Salt 'N Pepa "Let's Talk About Sex (which Alison and I made up a dorky dance to and I still remember it). (Can you tell that I wasn't exactly "cool" in junior high?) Those are just the highlights. The low point was having to see clips of Andrew Shue from Melrose Place. He was the speaker at my college graduation and he was SO bad.

I've probably revealed more about me in this post than you ever wanted to know. I'll go back under my rock now...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

slightly less insane now

So clearly I was actually in the middle of a breakdown when I wrote that last night... Just wanted to let you (whoever you may be, if anyone reads this) know that I'm feeling much better now. Still insanely jealous but no longer devastated by the fact that I'm not going to get to ski this year. I went for a run this morning, which made me feel much better. While running doesn't give me the same happy feeling that skiing does, it does make me feel good. Besides, no sense in going insane over something I have no control over...
Class is about to start now.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

totally ridiculous but i can't help it

I've known for months that my family was goign skiing without me at the end of January and I've been jealous. But I don't think it really hit me just how jealous I was (am) until my dad just called to tell me that he landed in Vail. It's completely irrational how upset I am about this but I can't help it. It's all I can do to keep from having a meltdown right now over the fact that I'm not going to ski all winter and they get to spend 5 days skiing in Colorado. It's ridiculous that this would upset me this much. I don't want to be here. I want to be there. I want to ski. I don't want to be here.

Monday, January 16, 2006


OK, so I understand that it's a holiday (hence my not having class today) but that does not really explain why all of the dry cleaners are closed (seriously, I tried three). I mean, it's not like it's Christmas... I sort of thought that the only things closed today are banks, post offices, and schools... Normal people still have to go to work and I still have to go to the cleaners! But apparently that will have to wait until tomorrow.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


I have done nothing productive all day. It has been fabulous. I went to Starbucks this morning (the far away one since the one near me hasn't reopened) and read the Sunday NYTimes and then decided to skip the gym because I haven't taken a day off in over 2 weeks and my body was starting to get angry with me. So I came home and spent the afternoon in front of the tv. Had to stop watching the Bears game when I realized that I was shouting at the tv (ala my father and brother) and, frankly, that's not a good thing. Especially when my neighbors (and random people walking down the street) can hear me...

No classes tomorrow for MLK Jr. Day. I hope to get a good chunk of work done on my paper (which I've really neglected for the past month). Fun fun fun...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

what a tease!

This weather is something else... 50 degrees out today! And it's January... A year ago right now we were about to have a massive blizzard and today I ran outside in a short sleeved shirt! Unbelievable! It is such a tease though, knowing that it's going to be back below freezing for quite some time before the weather warms up again for good...

Unrelated, I've been thinking a lot today about my post-bar trip. Basically, after the bar exam everyone goes on a vacation for a month (some go for longer but since I start working in September I only have a month). Most people go to Europe, which is certainly one option. I mean, there's so many places that I haven't seen. But 3 or 4 weeks of just travelling, looking at things is not really my ideal vacation. I like to do that stuff for 2 or 3 days but I don't know about multiple weeks... Not to mention that it's looking like I might be flying solo... So I was thinking about what my dream post-bar trip would be. And I realized that if I could do anything in the world, I would want to go skiing for a couple of weeks in South America (Chile or Argentina, probably Chile because it's not quite as cold). How amazing would that be? I doubt it's even remotely feasible but it would be pretty awesome.
So, 8 months from now, you'll probably be reading about my sightseeing trip to Europe, but hey, a girl can dream...

Monday, January 09, 2006

bad day

I knew it would be a bad day when I realized that I'd left the mayonaisse out over night (meaning it had to be tossed). Clue number two was when I went to Starbucks this morning, only to learn that starting tomorrow they'll be closed for a week. WHAT??? How can they do that? How am I supposed to make it through my THREE AND A HALF HOUR class without my sugar free vanilla soy latte??? The next closest Starbucks is 10 minutes PAST campus... Grrr. And tonight, well, tonight has not been good but it's not something I'll write about. Some things are too personal to go on the internet.

*sigh* Glad to be going to bed now...

Sunday, January 08, 2006

who knew!

Was anyone else aware that Maury Povich and Connie Chung are married?? That is just weird. A wannabe Jerry Springer and a legitimate journalist... Yeah... (FYI they host a show together on Sundays on MSNBC going over the week's headlines).

I have really been dragging today. I went to the grocery store and the gym but I really had to force myself to do both. It's like my apartment (my futon in particular) has some special sort of gravitational pull on me (kind of like a vaccuum) that makes it super difficult to leave. But I did. And since I have food, I'm cooking tonight. I'll make some soup to eat later in the week. I'll also make dinner for tonight (a crabmeat avocado salad). Mmm.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

brain hurts

It's been a long few days back at school. My class is really hard. Plus it's really strange to be back basically on the block plan (3 hours a day of class for 3 weeks... sounds like a block to me!). Anyway, the class is called "Structuring Venture Capital, Private Equity, and Entrepreneurial Transactions." Quite a mouthful. And a brain full... At the basic level, we're learning what actually happens in various types of venture capital/private equity transactions, which is awesome. Not something any other law school class does. However, combine that with an intense class on tax, securities, bankruptcy, and other corporate laws and it's quite a headache!

Oh, and speaking of headaches... I started to fill out the bar application today. Yikes. It's due Feb. 1 so I figure I should get on it now... What a big pain in the ass! Like listing everywhere I've lived since I was 18... I've moved every year... At least for 4 of those years (aka college) I technically had the same address...

It's going to be a long few weeks.

Monday, January 02, 2006

not the way to start the year

So I'm back in Cambridge now. Only got here about 4 hours late. Yeah. Let's review the day:
9 AM: left for the airport
9:30: arrived at airport to learn that my flight was delayed 1 hour.
11 AM: scheduled departure
11:30 AM: we learn that we can't leave at noon, as we were told, because we have no plane yet. (note: All the while, there are not enough seats in the boarding area so I am sitting on the floor at O'Hare... not cool...)
12:45: new plane arrives but we learn that we cannot leave because we don't have a crew
2:45: crew arrives from Indianapolis and we leave
6:00 Eastern time: land in Boston

I guess the day could have been worse. Tomorrow it's supposed to snow 6-10 inches...

Anyway, since landing my day did get better. I had people to share a cab with (also coming from Chicago but on the plane that was supposed to take off an hour after mine... they ended up arriving within minutes of each other) but cab sharing is good for the wallet. Unpacked, got food, and am now about ready to crash...

Sunday, January 01, 2006

A New Year

Well, it's 2006. Doesn't seem like much now but this will be a big year for me. This year will be life changing, what withgraduating law school, moving to Chicago, taking (and hopefully passing) the bar, and beginning life as a real person who works and everything.

I've only made one resolution: to be able to run 6 miles. Yes, 6 sounds like a random number, but there is some logic behind it. 6 is the most I've ever run so I'd like to get back to that level of ability. As of right now, I can run 3 (and I did, in fact, run 3 miles this morning). It's been a long time since I was a runner but I'm ready to go back. I feel like this is a good resolution because it's a tangible goal. I, of course, have other goals but they are either intangible and thus difficult to measure (which would make for poor new year's resolutions) or they are too important to me to risk trivializing them by turning them into resolutions (like sticking with my diet and succeeding at losing weight). Do other people make resolutions? I'm kind of curious about this. I know my brother did, but anyone else?

Anyway, Happy Happy New Year (and HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMIE!). I could say something profound about wishing you luck or happiness or something in the new year, but it would just sound cheesy so I'll just wish for you that the new year is everything you want it to be!