inner voices

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Dear clouds,
OK, enough already.  I'm ready to see some sunshine again.  This cloudy, rainy weather does not do it for me.  Mostly because cloudly rainy weather = cloudy (rainy?) mood.  And that is not a good thing.  Sunshiney weather, on the other hand = sunshiney mood, which is a very good thing.  So let's get those clouds lifted and the sunshine back in view.  Sound good?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Dear weekend,
Once again, you have outdone yourself. I think that a list is the best way to go about giving the highlights:
1) Emily's visit was just all around awesomeness. Thanks for that - it was so fun and so great to see her again!
2) This weather is AMAZING!! LOVE IT!!! I should really live somewhere where it's like this all year long...
3) Last night was so fun. Great restaurant, great company, great rooftop deck at Rock Bottom (where we even got a table!). All around good times!
So weekend, any time you want to repeat happiness like this, I am all available. I might be exhausted tonight, but it is so worth it. yay :-)

Friday, April 20, 2007

Dear CTA riders who so clearly do not usually ride the CTA,
I understand that you have needs to get places.  We all have needs to get places.  That is why we take the El.  That said, why on EARTH do you insist on taking the El for what seems like it must be the first time in your life when it is morning rush hour and you have LARGE suitcases.  I'm not talking the kind of suitcases that you can bring as carryons, no, I'm talking the kind that have to be checked (and that you often have to pay extra for because they are prone to being over-packed and thus over the weight limit).  Why anyone would bring these suitcases on a train where there tends to not be enough room for the PEOPLE to begin with, is beyond me.  But then to make matters worse, it's you.  You who do not know how to ride the El to begin with.  Who do not understand that people have to get on and off at every stop -- yes -- EVERY STOP!!!  I am all about taking public transportation, but sometimes you just need to take a cab.  That's really all there is to it.  So next time, do the rest of us a favor, and take the damn cab. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dear cough syrup with codeine,
Thank you. Thank you for existing. Thank you for being prescribed to me. And most importantly, thank you for working. Thank you for giving me my first good night's sleep in 2 weeks. I feel like a new person today. It is a good feeling. Still don't feel 100% but it's amazing what a little sleep will do :) So really, from the bottom of my heart (or maybe it should be from the bottom of my lungs), thank you.
Much love,
PS: Thanks also to my wonderful doctor for prescribing said cough syrup!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Dear lungs,
Why do you hate me? Why won't this damn cough go away? And why oh why must it continue to keep me awake at night? Seriously, it's gone beyond annoying. It's painful! All I want is to breathe. Because if I can breathe, then I can sleep. And if I can sleep, then I can be happy. Seriously, please stop this madness!
No love,

Dear Panera,
I just wanted to take a moment and tell you how excited I am that you are opening up right across the street from my office!  I don't know when you're going to open, but earlier this week, a sign went up that said "opening soon" and that made me pretty happy.  I enjoy you Panera.  In addition to being quite delicious, you bring me back mentally to happy days.  It's hard to eat my tuna sandwich and not think back to a time when my Friday afternoons after school were spent at the Panera in Hubbard Woods, me eating my tuna salad sandwich and my companion eating his chicken salad sandwich.  Back when the world was an easier place.  Is it weird that every time I eat Panera, my mind goes back there just a little bit?  Maybe, but I'm ok with that.  I also love that they have Dr. Pepper in their soda thing (not that I drink non-diet soda anymore, but it used to make me extremely happy).  So anyway, hurry up and open!!
With love,

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dear Blades of Glory,
Thank you.  Thank you for exceeding my expectations.  Thank you for being exactly what I hoped, wanted and needed in a movie on a Tuesday night.  You were so funny!  I really don't know the last time I laughed so much at a movie!  And while I'm not normally a huge Will Farrell or Jon Heder fan, they were both outstanding - perfectly cast - in this movie.  I can't imagine anyone else playing those roles better.  And Pam from the Office was also wonderful. 
Anyway, you were just exactly what you should have been.  You didn't make any pretenses to be more and that was great.  I loved you for what you were and for what you weren't.  Thanks for making me smile, laugh, and forget about life for an hour and a half.  Oh, and thanks for only being an hour and a half!  There's some other movies out there that could learn from you in that regard...
With love and laughter,

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Dear cell phone,
Why did you not hop into my purse this morning?  It is a bit weird to not have you with me.  And I worry that it could pose a slight problem after work as I try to meet Lisa for our movie *date* (yes, I FINALLY found someone to see Blades of Glory with me, so excited, but you, my cell phone, probably don't care about that so much as you will not be there).  I know that I don't use you much during the day at work, but it's comforting to know that you're there, in my drawer, in case I need you.  Or in case I get a special phone call from anyone who doesn't have my work number (which frankly is most people).  So tomorrow (and every day thereafter) please be more considerate and make sure that you are in my purse before I leave my apartment in the morning.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Dear Mother Nature,
WHAT THE HELL???  Where did spring go?  What did you do with it and will you please bring it back?  I was really enjoying the warmer weather and I just don't find this to be acceptable.  I know that the warmth was unusually warm, and I'm not saying that it has to be that nice out but the 20s??  I mean come on.  That's December/January weather.  Not April.  It's Spring, not Winter.  Nothing about this weather is good (well, ok, the sunshine isn't bad, but that's it.  nothing else.).I do not appreciate that I had to bring back out my winter coat.  And while I refuse out of principal to bring back out my hat, gloves, and scarf, I can't say that I appreciated how cold it was waiting for the bus this morning.  So seriously mother nature, what's up.  Let's fix this.  PRONTO.
Not feeling the love,

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Dear smoke detector,
Your antics this morning were unnecessary and unappreciated!!  All I was trying to do was steam up the bathroom to make myself feel a little better.  I'm sick and the steam does wonders for my chest congestion.  But you seemed to think that the steam = smoke and had to start beeping.  And then you WOULDN'T STOP!!!  Why not??  You have a little thing that says "push here to stop noise" but that didn't stop you.  Taking out the battery stopped you, but then you started up again (though at a slower pace) when I put the battery back in a few minutes later.  REALLY was all that necessary?  Especially on a day when I kinda felt like crap to begin with?  Did we really have to play that little game this morning?  Please let's not do that again, ok??

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Dear Time,
Why are you moving SO SLOWLY??  First off, how is it that it's only Tuesday?  Seriously, I feel like it should be more like Thursday (though I'm kind of glad it isn't because I have an awful lot of things that need to be done before Thursday that are not done as of this moment).  More importantly though, how is it that's only noon?  Not even noon?  I know I've been at the office since 7 o'clock this morning, but really, the day has just dragged on.  It definitely feels more like the end of the day than like lunchtime.  And as early as I got here, I'm going to be here late... (though I will take a break at 5 or 5:30 to go to the gym).  So seriously time, let's get moving at normal speed at least.  Today is painful enough without you dragging your feet...
Not feeling the love,