inner voices

Sunday, January 01, 2006

A New Year

Well, it's 2006. Doesn't seem like much now but this will be a big year for me. This year will be life changing, what withgraduating law school, moving to Chicago, taking (and hopefully passing) the bar, and beginning life as a real person who works and everything.

I've only made one resolution: to be able to run 6 miles. Yes, 6 sounds like a random number, but there is some logic behind it. 6 is the most I've ever run so I'd like to get back to that level of ability. As of right now, I can run 3 (and I did, in fact, run 3 miles this morning). It's been a long time since I was a runner but I'm ready to go back. I feel like this is a good resolution because it's a tangible goal. I, of course, have other goals but they are either intangible and thus difficult to measure (which would make for poor new year's resolutions) or they are too important to me to risk trivializing them by turning them into resolutions (like sticking with my diet and succeeding at losing weight). Do other people make resolutions? I'm kind of curious about this. I know my brother did, but anyone else?

Anyway, Happy Happy New Year (and HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMIE!). I could say something profound about wishing you luck or happiness or something in the new year, but it would just sound cheesy so I'll just wish for you that the new year is everything you want it to be!


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