inner voices

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dear JC Penney,
I have to tell you how much your new commercial pisses me off. The one that's a clear rip-off of the Breakfast Club. With modern kids acting out scenes to a shitty cover of Don't You (Forget About Me). IT SUCKS!!! I'm having trouble putting what I want to say into words because I think it's just so awful. It needs to not appear on my tv (dvr helps that) and not exist any longer.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Dear iPhone,
I expected this to be a post about how fantastic you are.  Alas, I cannot activate you, as there are Apple server problems that prevented AT&T from activating in store and I can't get on iTunes until after work (at which point hopefully the server problems will be fixed!).  Sad (and also sad that since they already transferred my phone#, I am completely cell phone-less!).  However,  I'm pretty damn excited to have you!!  Especially since I waited a long time (both over the past few months and this morning in line).  The relief I felt when I got the LAST 16gig in the store was immense - I was not going to be happy if I'd had to wait another week for you!!  
Anyway, hopefully we well become better acquainted tonight and over the weekend, but I just wanted to come here and welcome you to my life!  SO EXCITED!!
With love,