inner voices

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Dear weekend,
To say that you didn't compare to last weekend would pretty much be the understatement of the century. I worked, worked and worked some more. I did clean the upstairs of my apartment (maybe will do downstairs tonight, we'll see, upstairs was in direr condition) and got to have lunch yesterday with Eliza who's in town from CO, but otherwise, nothing but work. And a little sleep. Certainly not a weekend to write home about... Oh well, guess they can't all be fabulous. And frankly, it's probably the shitty weekends like this one that make me appreciate the great ones for how great they really are.
That said, I'd rather not repeat this anytime soon.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Dear Wednesday,

Let's just agree that we didn't get along very well and move on. Before I can move on though, I need to air my grievances:
1) broken glasses (while I was at work no less, without a spare pair or a pair of contacts to put in... had to just deal all day, not so comfortable) and I can't get an eye doctor appointment for over 2 weeks but I don't want to replace my glasses until I have a new prescription (I do have a spare pair of glasses but they're a really old prescription and they're making me slightly dizzy);
2) insane amounts of work that have to be done today. so many deadlines tomorrow and friday... just now getting home at midnight. (still not done but need sleep and will probably be more productive at 6 in the morning than I am now);
3) went to go pick up my packet of stuff for a running club that i'm trying and of course they published the packet pickup date wrong so the packet pickup is actually tomorrow (even though my email definitely said today). Well I can't go tomorrow. I left work early (ok, left work and then, after the failed packet pickup, went to Starbucks to do 5 more hours of work) today and likely can't do that again tomorrow because the nature of the work I'll have tomorrow night will require me to actually be connected to the internet and logged into the work system. DAMMIT - not my fault. Now I won't get the information until right before the first group run on Saturday morning, which is really frustrating, and, for the biggest issue;
4) Seem to have lost my wallet. Well, part of my wallet - the part with my major credit card, my building ID for work and my CTA pass. Super... Because I needed something else to deal with tomorrow...

OK, that's out of my system. Now I can move on and go to sleep and when I wake up to go to work super early tomorrow morning it will be a new day and hopefully a better one...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Dear Weekend,
I just have to thank you because you were awesome.  To say that I needed that would be an understatement like none other.  I can't believe I actually thought about not going because I had too much work to do and was just too frazzled to go.  There was nothing to be worried about though - I still got plenty of work done over the weekend but I got to do it without sacrificing my happiness.   Didn't get enough sleep but that's ok - made up for it Sunday night when I got home.   And even if I hadn't, it still woudl have been worth it, because really, what am I going to regret more when I look back in 10 years (or 10 days)?  Not getting enough sleep one weekend or missing out on a wonderful experience?  Yeah, I'll take sleep deprivation any day.  This isn't very coherent, I apologize.  But really I just wanted to thank you for exceeding my expectations and leaving me with wonderful memories that will hopefully make it a little bit easier to get through the next few potentially brutal weeks at work!
Thanks :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Dear YOU,
I need costume ideas and I figure that you, whoever you may be, might be a good source of ideas. (really I have no clue who reads this thing, save for a few friends who comment now and then. I mostly just write for my own amusement and to get thoughts out of my head.)
Anyway, costumes. I'm not a big fan of going to a costume store and buying a whole costume, though I am perfectly happy to buy accessories for a costume. And I don't have a ton of time to put into chasing weird things around or to put into costume assembly, as I apparently need this by Friday night (Saturday morning really but I'm heading out on Friday night) and I do have this little thing called a job that keeps me busy during the day. Now, if it helps, I have the following unique shoe options that costumes could be built around: cowboy boots and white platform go go boots. Please post any ideas in the comments section or shoot me an email or send a facebook or myspace comment or message or send a smoke signal... (ok, maybe not the last one, but really, any mode of communication that I'm likely to receive). I'd appreciate any and all help!!

PS - editing this on Saturday night - I ended up going as a cowgirl... it was a long week and I didn't really have time to do anything more creative...

Monday, October 15, 2007

Dear Self,
FOCUS!!!  Get your head in the game!!  Stop daydreaming!!! 
For real!  I'm thrilled that life is looking up again, that I seem to have gotten out of that funk that I was in and that I have a few things coming up in the next month that I'm really looking forward to.  But I can't have all of that at the expense of not being able to get anything done at work.  Because I have a whole heckuva lot that needs to get done!!  Lots and lots of deals that are closing soon!!  The rest of October is looking to be INSANE at work and I can't afford to spend it all with my head in the clouds.  So come on and let's FOCUS!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Dear Life,

Thank you. Thank you for ending my week on a wonderful note. Especially since the bulk of the week certainly didn't signal to me that anything good would come out of it. It started on a shaky note personally and was rough (and demanding!) professionally throughout and there were moments were I wasn't sure how I'd make it through. But I did. And tonight I was rewarded with a wonderful phone conversation that I just really needed for so many reasons, followed by a great night out with some really wonderful people. Funny too that I considered not even going out. That I almost backed out because I was "too tired" from such a long week. I'm so glad I went. I had a fantastic time and it was so worth it, even if I did have to drive :) Hyde Park isn't really so far away...

Anyway, it is way past my bedtime and I should get some sleep, but I couldn't end the day without giving proper thanks where thanks was definitely due. I am so grateful for these positive experiences by which I can now remember my day and my week.

With love,

Monday, October 08, 2007

Dear rational brain,
Please come back. I don't know where you have gone, but I want you back.  NOW.  Your apparent replacement, this irrational, uber-emotional brain is just not working out.  Not at all.  So please come home to me.  Quickly!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Dear Time,
I am starting to think that you are really not my friend. When I need you to pass quickly because I'm having a rough day or week, you stretch on and on and minutes last for hours. Yet when something good finally happens and I know it's only going to last for a limited time, you just speed up and I feel like I barely get to enjoy it before it's all gone again and I'm back to the slow moving crap of a bad day. Why can't we switch that up?? Why can't you move slowly when I want to savor and enjoy and move just a little quicker when I just want to get through the day? Can we try that?