inner voices

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

ready for spring

OK, winter has lasted quite long enough and I'm ready for the warmer weather of spring. Funny too, since it didn't really get cold until February but having been in the cold weather mentality since November/December, I'm quite ready to be done with it. Enough with the parka and the hat and gloves and neck warmer . Most of all, I'm ready to run outside again. I'm losing motivation with the gym, doing the same thing every day. It's just so much less boring to run outside than to do the elliptical, stationary bike, or treadmill. Plus, I'm runnign low on magazines. But running outside just isn't an option right now -- way too cold and I don't have the proper clothes for it (and can't really buy them right now). So basically, after Saturday (when I'll be skiing in NH all day), I say: bring on the spring!

Not much else going on right now. Went shopping again yesterday and bought a different dress that I (think) I like better. As I mentioned earlier, am going skiing all day Saturday which should be (really cold) and fun. And Friday night, there's a CC alumni event in Boston to watch the CC vs DU hockey game that I'm going to try to go to, but can't stay at very late due to the 6 AM call time for skiing. But I want to go to the event because it (weirdly) makes me happy to see other CC people, even if I don't really know them. And who knows, maybe I'll run into someone I do know. That'd be fun.

OK, class soon. Later.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Success is yummy!

I came out victorious in today's kitchen adventure. This is particularly exciting, given that today's challenge was soup, and usually my soups don't turn out so well. But tonight's was excellent! Cream of chili-chicken soup. I used a recipe from a cookbook I've had for forever but never used before. Mmmm mmm mmm. Only problem: i ended up making seven servings worth (so one tonight and six leftovers). There is no way that I can eat this much soup before it goes bad. I'm going to need some help...

Friday, February 24, 2006

what a relief!

Just found out that my 3L paper, which I thought was due on March 15, is actually not due until April 5. That is a HUGE relief. I mean, I sitll want to power through and get my rough draft finished in the next week (I'm about halfway there currently), it gives me so much more time for editing (and if what I have written already is any indication, it's going to need a lot of editing). Big relief.

Not a whole lot else going on. I'm probably not going to go out at all this weekend so that I can really focus on my paper (I know, boring) but that's ok. This afternoon I'm going shopping -- need something to wear to those weddings! Weddings are funny creatures -- they're all anyone talks about. Seriously, I feel like for the past week or two, at least half of my conversations have been about weddings, either one of the ones I'm going to or one someone else is going to. And I'm guilty of that as much as anyone else. Oh well. I have my apprehensions, but March will be a fun month.

OK, back to work!

Monday, February 20, 2006

so hot!

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Had to post this pic b/c Jamie and I look so hot :) It was a fun weekend. Much more fun than corporate tax class. Jamie and his roommates had a belated housewarming party (they moved in 4 months ago). I was a little apprehensive about it because I wasn't sure I would know anyone there and I'm not always super in those situations but it ended up being a lot of fun. Jamie has nice friends :)

Sunday, February 19, 2006


I think I need to buy a space heater. I used to have one, but my parents appropriated it a few years ago after Zoe chewed the cord on theirs... My apartment is SO COLD! The heat in the living room is on all the way and I'm still sitting here in fleece pants, a long sleeved shirt, a fleece pullover, hoodie, two pairs of socks, and a hat. I think the room (rooms actually -- there aren't separate radiators in the kitchen or bathroom) is just too big to be heated by this one heater. The one in my bedroom makes my bedroom really warm but it's a smaller space (and I don't have a computer or tv in my bedroom).

Weekend has been cold but pretty good. Just wish time would move a little faster...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

so much better...

Today has been so much better. I attribute it to the fact that 2 of my friends were born on this day (25 and 26 years ago), which makes it a necessarily happy day :) Contributing to my better day:
- being really busy at my clinical (internship). The work that I was doing today was really needed, and needed quickly and knowing that made it so much more rewarding to do.
- YOGA! I went to my yoga class tonight, for the first time in ages. I suck at yoga but it really does make me feel good.
- hearing friendly voices on the phone. Always a pick-me-up.

And it's bedtime.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

negative 20

On a scale of 1-10, today has been a negative twenty. It's like a bad funk that I can't snap out of. The most frustrating thing is that I just can't get out of my head. I feel like I've stopped paying attention to reality because I'm so focused on my thoughts. Prime Example: twice today I've forgotten to zip my fly... Yeah, super. Didn't help that Starbucks was out of soy milk. My one pleasure, shot down. Oh well. Dinner now, a little Olympics, then bed. Speaking of Olympics, I caught a few minutes of curling today. What the hell is the point of curling? I do NOT understand what they were doing or why they were doing it... And things have funny names!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

just another day

As far as Valentine's Days go, this one didn't even make the map. As far as regular days go, nothing special but not awful. I think that, for me, Valentine's Day has become one of those holidays like New Year's Eve and 4th of July (ok, 3rd in Chicago) that I've just learned not to expect anything out of because really, the fact of a particular calendar date doesn't make it any more likely that unrealistic expectations will be met or exceeded and, when you bank such expectations on a calendar holiday (as opposed to some event grounded in reality) you just increase the probability of a letdown. I don't need letdowns.

Monday, February 13, 2006

happy monday

Things that make Cassie happy:

1. Tax was cancelled this morning. Would have been nice to find out more than 15 minutes before class, but still, the extra hour and a half of free time this morning was much appreciated.

2. THE OLYMPICS! I LOVE the Olympics. I'm not particularly patriotic but I just think that they're so fun. I spent many hours watching during yesterday's snowstorm since I coulnd't really leave the house... (my viewing included hockey, x-c skiing, freestyle mogul skiing, speed skating, luge, and snowboarding.) What a fabulous 2 weeks when there is always something fun to watch :) I could go on at length about the whole Michelle Kwan/Emily Hughes thing but I'll spare you most of it. All I'll say is that I think that Hughes deserves to be there and that it was selfish of Kwan in the first place to petition for the spot on the team.

Unfortunately I now have to go to my legal profession class. Even more unfortunately, I'm on panel today (and tomorrow) which means I'll get called on the whole class. Oh well. After class I get to go home and watch more Olympics so I really can't complain :)

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Texas: I don't think so

Tonight was the law school's annual Texas party. While the margaritas and fajitas were great, Texas party it wasn't. There was no country music! And while I like hip hop and rap as much as the next person, I also LOVE country... Anyway, not so fun party being Em's wingman while every guy hit on her and ignored me...

In other news... today marked the end of Fridays = Fabulous Days. I now work in downtown Boston on Thursdays and Fridays for a juvenile justice advocacy organization (sort of an internship for school credit). No more 3 or 4 day weekends...

Thursday, February 09, 2006

i'm not a mister

Got an invitation in the mail today addressed to "Mr. (my last name) Cassie" (if you don't know me, my last name is a common boy's name). Clearly the person who sent the invitation is not someone I know (it's an invitation for a party in honor of someone I know)., but still. I don't understand why people constantly need to rearrange my name. When everyone else's name is written first name first, why do people assume that my name was written last name first? Sheesh! And aAfter almost 25 years of this, I still have no clue how to politely say "Yo, moron, my first name is Cassie. They did not write my name backwards and everyone else's forwards, you just chose to ignore what was written. I AM NOT A BOY". I need to get married to someone whose last name is clearly a last name... In the meantime, how do I reply to this one?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

so not cool!

I just saw the least cool commercial ever (ok, aside from the scary commercials for scarier movies...). It was for some mountain dew energy drink crap and it was a bunch of nocturnal animals partying. Sounds cute... until you realize that they are racoons and mice and bats and RODENTS!! I do NOT like rodents. Repeat: I DO NOT LIKE RODENTS. YUCK.

Got out of class 20 minutes early tonight (usually have until 6:45 on Weds) and I'm happy to be home early so that I can go to bed early. Tomorrow and Friday will be all day working in Boston at a juvenile justice policy organization. Long days to end a long week. Good thing every week will be like this from now on...

Monday, February 06, 2006

Am I Insane?

OK, really, don't answer that. But I was looking at my schedule today and realized that I was going to be taking more credits this semester than any semester since my first year of law school. Who does that 2nd semester 3L year?? So I dropped a class (granted, it was only one credit anyway but still, better than nothing). No more advanced bankruptcy seminar. I think that's fine...

It's only 9:30, but I'm seriously contemplating bed. It's been a long day.

february 6

February 6, 1998. Eight years ago today, someone walked into my life in a way that would forever change me. I would not be who I am or where I am today if not for him. A lot has changed in the past eight years, but some things never change. And there are some things that I hope never change. I will always be greatful for having you in my life. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

the final round

Second semester starts today. My last semester of school ever (hopefully). Weird but wonderful. I wish I was already done, but since I'm not, I'll settle for seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. This semester has the potential to be really bad though. Oh well... eyes on the prize!

It will be SO nice to be done:
- to live in one place, to not have to disrupt my life every few weeks to travel back and forth;
- to forge real, permanent relationships instead of the sporadic nature of many of my relationships right now, renewing every time I come back into town and fading into the background when I'm away;
- and most of all, the feeling that I'm actually living my life instead of waiting for it to happen!

First class of the semester starts in 45 minutes, I need coffee.