I Love the 90s
So I'm bored and watching VH1's "I Love the 90s" and I've watched 93 and am in 94 right now and the memories are flooding back. I mean, I love the 80s are funny but I remember all the shit fromt hese 90s ones (and these ones are long enough ago that I still find them funny, as opposed to stuff that happened when I was in high school). So we're in junior high land and wow. There was Snow with "Informer" (which in my weird little life was transmuted into "Farmer" by a guy in my 6th grade class), movies that at the time were so good, like "Speed" and "Reality Bites" and then Salt 'N Pepa "Let's Talk About Sex (which Alison and I made up a dorky dance to and I still remember it). (Can you tell that I wasn't exactly "cool" in junior high?) Those are just the highlights. The low point was having to see clips of Andrew Shue from Melrose Place. He was the speaker at my college graduation and he was SO bad.
I've probably revealed more about me in this post than you ever wanted to know. I'll go back under my rock now...
I've probably revealed more about me in this post than you ever wanted to know. I'll go back under my rock now...
I watched those same episodes and it was like I was reliving 6th grade all over again...
I'm a little addicted to VH1 and really, I just think its an excuse for me to lie comatose on my bed and not have to use any of my intelligence or motor skills.
Anonymous, At
10:09 PM
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