Today has been a day of emotional rollercoasters -- one of my own and one, well, that wasn't my own. We'll start with the one that wasn't my own.
Had a little OC mini-marathon this afternoon to watch the final 6 episodes of the season. Quinton came over and we watched all 6 episodes in a row. Wow. Lots and lots of ups and downs. For what it's worth, those 6 episodes were so much better than the episodes earlier in the season. I think that if they had been that quality all season, they wouldn't have cancelle the season (well, that and not have been up against Grey's...) Anyway, Quinton and I both agreed that by the end, it felt like we'd been on an emotional rollercoaster without having ever left the couch!
Had my own little emotional rollercoaster earlier in the day. Something that's pretty tough to explain in ambiguous terms on the blog... Let's see... If I were as creative with storytelling as some other blogwriters I know, this would be easier, but fact is, I'm not. Let's just say that a decision was made that is not an extremely easy one for me to be happy with but I know that it's the best decision for the person who made it and I'm really really proud of him for making it because I know that it wasn't easy. But I'm still more than a little sad about it. Basically feeling a whole lot of emotions all at the same time. Ambiguous enough?
Anyway, now it's Saturday night and after some long, hard thinking, I've decided that I should not go out tonight. I haven't really gone out in 2 weeks now, but that's ok. I know that I'll go out a lot both next weekend and the weekend after that, and I should probably get some sleep now, while I can. Plus, my pajamas are just so comfortable...