Dear Starbucks,
Thank you for caffeinating me. Were it not for you, sleep deprivation would be such a more serious problem. And thank you for not being discriminatory in the types of sleep deprivation that you assist with. You work wonders with the ok kind of sleep deprivation, like when I have (perhaps against my better judgment) gone out on a weeknight and thus come into work the next morning very tired and a little hungover. But you also work your magic with the kind of sleep deprivation that I hate the most -- the kind I'm experiencing today -- the kind that's the result of just not being able to sleep, despite being tired and going to bed at a reasonable hour. And frankly, I just don't know what I would do without my soy latte in the morning (a venti today). So I thank you for your caffeiney goodness.
In gratitude,
new format rocks, very creative
James McLaughlin, At
12:33 PM
ditto about the epistle thing. very fun and fresh and (dare i say it; yes i dare) even edgy*. starbucks does indeed rock the hizzle my blizzle or something**. glad you've found the secret remedy to poor sleep patterns. there's a very good reason that despite their little stock drop recently starbucks is in fact a big powerful mega company these days.
just keep that soy latte IV drip going and you'll still be the rockstar we all know you are!
* i know i'm not in advertising so technically i'm not supposed to overuse that word but i will anyway
** not sure what that means. i may have just insulted you. if i did, i'm sorry.
tcd111, At
1:46 PM
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