inner voices

Saturday, January 27, 2007

what to say?

Don't know what to say about today.

I could tell you that I was productive. That I got a haircut, bought a suit, and made soup.

I could tell you that I went to a movie tonight. Smokin' Aces to be exact. It wasn't bad. But not my kind of movie (and DEFINITELY not my kind of previews). I will probably have nightmares.

I could tell you that I've spent a very large portion of today completely lost inside of my own head.

But in the end, none of that defines my day. My week. My life. I am so stuck inside of my head right now that the world could collapse and I wouldn't notice. I wish I knew how to get myself back into the land of "what is" instead of the land of "what ifs" and "i wonder" but for now, I'm stuck. So really, what more is there to say?

Friday, January 26, 2007


I was going to clean my apartment tonight. I was SO motivated when I left work and the whole way home. But now... well... I'm not motivated enough to eat dinner, much less clean anythinng. Ugh. It was a long week. And I'm glad it's over, but that's the weird thing about being an adult with a job, etc -- there's no end in sight anymore. When you're a student, things can suck unbelievably but you have the next break or the end of the semester to look forward to. But now, what is there? *sigh* Sorry, just a weird mood.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Sometimes, when you're having a bummer of a week, it turns out that all you really needed to make things good was a reminder that you have some really great friends. Friends who go to dinner with you, friends who you haven't talked to in a while that randomly video chat with you on iChat, and friends who call from halfway around the world just to say hi. Life is ok after all :)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

going to MIAMI

Well, I'm not going to Miami. But DA BEARS are!! FUCK YEAH!

AMAZING game today! So fun. Freezing cold and snowing but hands down the most fun game I've gone to :)
(oh, and the halftime show was Fall Out Boy, so that was pretty cool too)


Saturday, January 20, 2007

oh cell

I damaged my cell phone yesterday. Badly. The screen no longer works. Oops. Luckily I can still send and receive calls, given that I don't have a home phone, but it's sort of a problem not to be able to access my address book... Oh well. There's a reason that I always pay the extra $$ each month for the phone insurance (this is definitely NOT the first phone that I've broken). New (refurbished) phone should get here in a couple of days. *sigh*

Friday, January 19, 2007

No place like home

Vacation was AMAZING. But sometimes, there's just nothing better than coming home. Especially since I get to come home with the whole weekend still ahead of me.

So vacation. 5 days of skiing in Beaver Creek (well, really 4 days of skiing BC and one at Vail). The first day of skiing was not the greatest. Snow was incredible but it was so cloudy that you couldn't see where you were going. So that sort of sucked. The next three days were amazing. I felt great on my skis and enjoyed flying down the steeps and, for the first time, comfortably maneuvering the moguls. SO fun. Then yesterday I had a MAJOR fall (complete with a major yardsale). No major damage I don't think but I did twist my knee and my neck and am covered in bruises in strange places. According to my brother, who watched the whole thing, it's really amazing that I was able to walk afterwards, much less ski. But I did ski the rest of the day because really I wasn't going to miss a day unless I literally couldn't do it. And today I am SO sore. But it was worth it.

On the whole, the vacation was great. Good quality family time. But the problem with family time is that it doesn't leave a whole lot of time for Cassie time and, as we all know, I need my Cassie time if I want any hope of preserving what's left of my sanity. So after a wonderful vacation, I'm very very happy to be home in my little apartment.

Oh, and one more VERY important thing: GO BEARS!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New Year's Pictures

It's now January 10th, so I figure it's probably about time to put up my pictures from New Year's Eve. I'm a little disappointed. Not so much by the pictures that I did take (they're cute) but by the fact that I didn't take very many pictures at all. There are many people that I have no pictures of -- that's sort of sad. Oh well, we'll blame the copious amounts of alcohol that I consumed... Anyway, enjoy!

Lisa and Tyler at the beginning of the evening

Joe, Lisa, Tyler, Kendra

Mandy and me

Kendra and Joe

Me and Kendra

Monday, January 08, 2007

between meetings

Just got back from one meeting and have another in 10 minutes, which leaves me with not enough time to do anything productive work-wise but more than enough time for a quick update on my life!
Weekend was mostly good.  Saturday during the day was rough but I had fun Saturday night so all was better.  A bunch of us went up to Boystown --  interesting experience.  I must say that it was very nice not having to wait in line at the ladies' room :)  And we were in a pretty empty part of the bar so it was fun just to be with my friends. 
Sunday I went for a run.  SO needed that.   I had gone almost 2 weeks without excercising (was busy then sick and needed to sleep more than waking up at ungodly hours allows).  And when I stop and think about it, I'm going to guess that the lack of exercise contributed not insignificantly to the mental issues I was having last week.  I need me those endorphins!!  Anyway, made it to Spinning today too (though dragging myself out of bed at 5:30 was especially difficult).  And my whole outlook on life is brighter :)
And for one final, HAPPY thought: This time next week I'll be in Colorado SKIING :-)

Saturday, January 06, 2007

retail therapy

Engaged in some definite retail therapy today. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite as therapeutic as I would have liked, but I'll get over it. It made me wonder, though, how on earth anyone ever braved Michigan Avenue before iPods. I mean, if I'd had to actually deal with the people that were walking slowly and in large groups that were impossible to get around and the screaming children and the homeless people asking for money and the clueless teenage girls that were everywhere, I might have lost my mind. But in my own little world, listening only to my happy music, I was just fine. Didn't buy anything too fabulously interesting (a sweater, a fleece pullover, an iPod case and the nike+ipod thingy to track my runs) but it was a mostly a success. Would have been an actual success if I'd had luck buying a new suit, but I didn't find any with jackets that fit right. Oh well -- that's for tomorrow I guess.

Going out tonight. In Boystown. Hopefully will be fun. Definitely will be interesting.

trying to save money but...

You know what's extremely annoying? When stores have different sales in their physical stores and their online stores. So you go online to see whether what you need is on sale (and decide not to buy it online because you'd have to pay for shipping AND it was going to take 2 weeks to get here) only to go to the physical store to find that the item you need, which was on sale online, isn't on sale there. GRR. This happened to me yesterday with Victoria's Secret Semi-Annual Sale. And I ultimately just bought the damn thing in the real store, not getting the sale price, because I couldn't really wait the two weeks for shipping. Some websites, like Circuit City, at least say when the online deal doesn't apply in-store. That's very considerate. Still annoying, because I'm trying to help my grandmother buy a digital camera and I'd like to be able to actually see it before I buy it, but at least I know not to waste my time going to Circuit City, which isn't convenient to her house. Now we can go somewhere else, look at the camera, make sure she likes it (and that it's user-friendly enough for an 80+ year old woman) and then go back and buy it online for the WAY cheaper price. I love online shopping, but I thought that it was supposed to eliminate the hassles, not create them.

Friday, January 05, 2007

idle hands...

What's that saying? That idle hands are the devil's playground? Yeah, that's probably true. But for me, idle hands have much worse consequences. They tend to lead to far too much introspection. I spent a couple of hours this afternoon with not much work to do and consequently had time to go through a lot of stuff that's been in my head. Whoa. Probably should have left all that alone. And then, when I got busy at work again, everything was right with the world again. So without going into a whole lot of detail, I'm MUCH happier when I don't have the spare time to realize how unhappy I actually am. Does that make sense? Clearly I just need to stay busy... (Of course that also overlooks the obvious corrolary that I am ACTUALLY happier when I'm busier because I like being busy such that there isn't the same unhappiness lurking beneath the surface.) Either way, the conclusion remains the same -- Cassie needs to avoid idleness. End of thought.

want to sleep

You know what sucks? When all you want to do is sleep and you can't. For any reason. You know what really sucks? When the reason you can't sleep is that you were woken up by a nightmare and can't get it out of your head. Of course it had to be a particularly bad nightmare. And every time you close your eyes or let yourself think for just a second, it comes back. So the block the thoughts, you're stuck awake, watching mindless tv and surfing the internet. Yeah. That sucks a lot.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

new address

So you may have noticed that my blog has a new address. It didn't actually move, obviously, I just had to change the link. Because, you see, I am a bit stupid and accidentally sent my grandmother an email with the old link to my blog in the signature line and while I don't mind that my parents read this, I would have really have to censor quite a lot if I thought my grandmother was reading it... *sigh*


Woke up this morning to discover that I'm sick.  Right now, it's a bad cold.  Hopefully that's all it ever is -- would really prefer if it didn't turn into a sinus and/or chest infection (as my colds have a tendency of doing).  I knew it was going to happen -- that I was goign to get sick.  I've spent a lot of time hanging out with people who were sick. And I'm really glad that it happened after the holidays (and long enough before I go on vacation that I'll be better by then) but still... yuck.  And even though I've taken sudafed, which usually perks me up a bit, I'm still feeling quite foggy in the head, which is making work more than a little difficult... This is going to be a week of very early bedtimes...

Monday, January 01, 2007

welcome to 2007

Happy New Year! I was going to blog yesterday -- a retrospective of the year -- but then I got busy cleaning and cooking and ran out of time. Oh well. That year is over so no retrospective now.

Last night was fun. There were 16 people total (though never more than 13 at once). My apartment is a disaster and reeks of alcohol. But it was fun. Pictures will be posted soon. And while (once again) I was kiss-less at midnight, 2007 has gotten off to a pretty good start. Especially considering that I'm not nearly as hungover as I expected to be. Ooh there was a lot of drinking last night. Probably would have been smart of me to have eaten dinner first... I had a lot of foods to munch on through the night but a solid dinner would have been smart. Oh well, that was 2006 Cassie. Now it's 2007.

Clearly I need a nap. Happy New Year!!