So, if i don't post now about my recent trips I may never. Plus right now is a great time for me to be procrastinating by blogging. So, here goes:
Colorado Part 1:This part of my trip took me to Denver, Colorado Springs, and back to Denver for Teresa's bachelorette party (Denver) and wedding (C Springs) along with some quality time with Joe and Kendra (Denver). The party officially started Thursday night at
Sing Sing (I really can't explain it, just check out the website). Fun place, I recommend it if you live in Denver and need a group activity. After Sing Sing, we went to a club and did a little dancing. By the end of the night, I was one of the only sober people, which is always interesting.

this was taken at Sing Sing (not a super pic but the only one we're all in)
I think that my favorite part of this part of my trip was the time I got to spend with Joe and Kendra (Friday day and night). They were so nice, such wonderful hospitality, and they're just quality people. We didn't do anything exciting per se, but I had a lot of fun hanging out with them (and their dog!).
The wedding Saturday was fine. The Air Force Academy campus is beautiful. A little weird to see all those people from college, especially since, for the most part, Teresa and I weren't really close with the same people. But generally a good time. And especially nice to spend Sunday hanging out with Sarah (we went to see Failure to Launch, I don't really recommend it)

This is a photo of all the DGs who were at Teresa's wedding. It was cold outside.
Colorado Part II:Aspen (well, Snowmass actually) was AMAZING! Skiing makes me very happy. Especially skiing in Colorado. Very very happy. I don't think I need to say much more. Oh, and I got a pretty new parka (light blue) to replace my neon yellow one that I've had for forever. LOVE SKIING.
Home:I've already posted about this. The basics: saw a lot of family, spent lots of time with Zoe, didn't leave the house a whole lot and pretty much didn't see anyone I wasn't related to.
Unfortunately, I have to stop procrastinating now and do some more work on my paper. It's bluebooking time...