inner voices

Saturday, April 29, 2006

done done done done done

Springfest is OVER!! YIPPEE!! And with that, my tenure at HL Central is OVER -- FINALLY! Event was successful enough. More importantly, it's done. Had to share my relief with whoever reads this :)

Tonight, there will be celebration...

Friday, April 28, 2006

busy busy busy

Wow, I haven't updated in a bit and the last post was such a downer... Life has gotten better but it's been INSANE. Here's a quickie summary:
Weds. night was this fancy schmancy dinner for the 3L class with the Dean at the Charles Hotel. Good times were had (as well as good wine) but I got sick later that evening (no, not from the wine, rather it's a recurring stomach issue that I thought was done recurring). So that wasn't so fun, but oh well. Anyway, it led me to not get a whole lot of sleep Weds. night which was especially un-fun since I had to be at my internship at 8 AM on Thursday. Was moderately productive yesterday and got a lot of stuff ready for Springfest (more later). Went home and CRASHED. Seriously, I went to bed at 8 last night! It was amazing.

Now I'm at my last day of my internship, waiting for my supervisor to get here. Plenty to do while I wait, though with Springfest tomorrow. Springfest is this huge event that I've been planning (prettty much by myself) for weeks and it's happening tomorrow. I will be an extraordinarily happy person once it's over.

Big weekend. In addition to Springfest, we've also got a spring concert happening tomorrow afternoon (a U2 cover band is coming). Then tomorrow night is the 3L Prom. Then I should really start studyign for finals... Tuesday is my last day of classes. Ever. CRAZY!!

OK, off to get stuff done.

Monday, April 24, 2006


Today started out bad, got worse, got better, and then got worse again. I am emotionally drained. I haven't been sleeping and my stress levels are through the roof. And as much as I would love nothing more than to just vent, it would be completely inappropriate to post any more details than that here. This is a bad way to go into finals and an even worse way to go into bar preparation. Too bad I have no clue how to fix it all.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

the solution

So if you read my last post, you're probably curious about how the situation worked out (or not, but I'd like to think that you are). So I finally reach hte restaurant at 4:30 this afternoon (on a payphone again) and they still haven't found my phone. Because I was going to change cell providers in 3 weeks anyway, it didn't make sense to pay for a new phone from Sprint (I have the phone insurance but it's still a $50 deductible). So, I went to Cingular and got myself a PRETTY PINK RAZR!!
Same phone number as I've had for 3 years (for now -- I'll change it when I get to Chicago). Can't use the phone tonight, as it needs to charge, but I'm feeling much much better. If I had your phone number, I don't anymore so please email it to me if you get a chance...

Going to the grocery store for a quick trip in a few, then it's EARLY TO BED because I think I got approximately 3 hours of sleep last night...

Friday, April 21, 2006


So apparently I lost my cell phone tonight. SHIT. I have no land line. I walked up the street to find a pay phone and called the restaurant I was at but they couldn't find it. They said they'd maybe find it tomorrow, but what am I supposed to do??? This is NOT good...

Monday, April 17, 2006


I just may have had a stroke of genius on Saturday afternoon. I was in the kitchen and noticed that I had a bunch of bananas that, frankly, I wasn't going to eat until they turned too mushy for me to like them anymore (I like bananas that are just ripe). I didn't want to waste them, so I sliced them and put them in baggies in the freezer. And now I'm having frozen banana slices for dessert and it is SOOOO GOOD!! MMMMM!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

by the numbers

4 weeks from today: my last final EVER
6 weeks from today: BarBri (bar review course) begins
8 weeks from today: I graduate from law school
10 weeks from today: my last day as a 24 year old
15 weeks from today: the bar exam will be OVER (it's Tuesday-Weds).

This is all very crazy!!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

weather and other topics

Let's start with a plain and simple fact: Warm sunny days make me happy. (Aside: Thinking about this today, I've made two connections. 1) My intense happiness last summer probably derives as much from this fact as from anything else (given that it was never cold and NEVER not sunny) and 2) I should probably live somewhere like LA or Denver, and not Chicago. Good thing I love Chicago :) ). Warm sunny days also give rise to interesting fashion choices. It was definitely warm today -- warm enough to run outside in shorts and a tank top and get suitably sweaty. It was not, however, hot. Yet everywhere I went, girls were wearing skirts, tank tops, and sandals. Wearing one of any of those three in this weather (mid-60s) makes sense, but all 3? No. And the funny thing is, in October, these same people find this same weather to be chilly and wouldn't dream of going out without a jacket. Food for thought.
So, because of the weather, today has been a happy day. I went for a 4.25 mile run (my new favorite website, lets you map your runs to figure out distance and check out other people's routes-- amazing!) and walked up to the grocery store, not because I needed anything but really just to be outside. Too bad it's going to rain for the next 4 days... Good thing I have plenty of indoor work to keep me busy!

Monday, April 10, 2006


Sorry, need to scream to someone. Just got the dreaded email back from my paper advisor saying that I really need to do another draft of my paper. That I've "done lots of good research and have lots of interesting ideas reflected in this paper" but that " it still needs quite a lot of work on the writing and organization." FUCK. I just wanted to be done.
Plus, she says that I over-argued my point some, which I am completely aware of, but had to do in order to make it long enough. Ugh. I am just so angry (mostly with myself). Way to ruin my day.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Today I made the unfortunate mistake of forgetting to bring my iPod with me to the gym. This mistake was made even more unfortunate by the fact that today was a "long workout" day. Thus, I'm fairly impressed with myself that I still managed to do a full 65 minutes on the stationary bike, even without my music to motivate and distract me. (65 minutes is a REALLY long time to pedal on a bike that doesn't go anywhere!)

I should be getting home 5 weeks from today (or from yesterday, in which case I'll already be home 5 weeks from today). This is very exciting. At this point, it's looking like I'll do the drive by myself, but if anyone wants to take a little road trip with me, I'd love company :)

Not much else worth writing about, so instead, I'll tell you about things that no one possibly cares about :)
1. Went to the grocery store this morning. I love going early when there aren't a zillion people there, when that you can actually get through the aisles and not have to wait an eternity to check out.
2. I went out last night and some drunk person spilled their drink all over my nice jeans. Now I have to do laundry. Boo.
3. People here seem really impressed by the fact that I actually finished my 3L paper. I guess that's because at HLS deadlines are completely meaningless (there's always an extention or an exception and "late penalties" are generally empty threats). But why would I have wanted an extention? I just wanted it to be DONE (and, happily, it is).

On second thought, maybe I should keep these thoughts inside my head... Later :)

Friday, April 07, 2006

my theme song

So I just got a MySpace bulletin about your life "theme song" where you go to this website and find out your theme song based on the #1 song on your 18th birthday. I don't do the whole MySpace bulletin thing, but this site was pretty nifty so I thought I'd pass it along.

Apparently, my theme song is "Livin La Vida Loca" by Ricky Martin... interesting...

So, what's your theme song? (Remember, #1 on your 18th birthday, not birth date)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

my paper and other nightmares

So while I'm printing yet another draft of my paper to edit (this should be the last hard copy I have to print), I thought I'd take a few minutes and update my adoring public on the last few days of my life. As you can tell, I'm a little delirious.
Mostly I've been working on my paper. And only working on my paper. I think that yesterday I worked on it for 12 hours. But I will turn it in today and be DONE with it. That's happy. I wish it were a little longer (by 2 pages) but oh well.
I have put the rest of my life on hold while I've been finishing the paper, meaning that once I do turn it in, I will have TONS of CRAP to do (mostly for HL Central). Oh the joys...
I had a really disturbing nightmare last night. It involved a close friend of mine being married to another friend of mine and accused of murdering a baby and I went to visit the jail and even though my friend was innocent the case was going to result in a guilty verdict. Like I said, very disturbing dream. On the plus side, it got me out of bed at 6 so I've already done over 2 hours of work on my paper... Too bad it meant that I got less than 6 hours of sleep...

Time to do the final edit. Hopefully next time I post, it will be from a happier place.

Monday, April 03, 2006

my travels

So, if i don't post now about my recent trips I may never. Plus right now is a great time for me to be procrastinating by blogging. So, here goes:

Colorado Part 1:
This part of my trip took me to Denver, Colorado Springs, and back to Denver for Teresa's bachelorette party (Denver) and wedding (C Springs) along with some quality time with Joe and Kendra (Denver). The party officially started Thursday night at Sing Sing (I really can't explain it, just check out the website). Fun place, I recommend it if you live in Denver and need a group activity. After Sing Sing, we went to a club and did a little dancing. By the end of the night, I was one of the only sober people, which is always interesting.
this was taken at Sing Sing (not a super pic but the only one we're all in)

I think that my favorite part of this part of my trip was the time I got to spend with Joe and Kendra (Friday day and night). They were so nice, such wonderful hospitality, and they're just quality people. We didn't do anything exciting per se, but I had a lot of fun hanging out with them (and their dog!).
The wedding Saturday was fine. The Air Force Academy campus is beautiful. A little weird to see all those people from college, especially since, for the most part, Teresa and I weren't really close with the same people. But generally a good time. And especially nice to spend Sunday hanging out with Sarah (we went to see Failure to Launch, I don't really recommend it)
This is a photo of all the DGs who were at Teresa's wedding. It was cold outside.

Colorado Part II:
Aspen (well, Snowmass actually) was AMAZING! Skiing makes me very happy. Especially skiing in Colorado. Very very happy. I don't think I need to say much more. Oh, and I got a pretty new parka (light blue) to replace my neon yellow one that I've had for forever. LOVE SKIING.

I've already posted about this. The basics: saw a lot of family, spent lots of time with Zoe, didn't leave the house a whole lot and pretty much didn't see anyone I wasn't related to.

Unfortunately, I have to stop procrastinating now and do some more work on my paper. It's bluebooking time...

Sunday, April 02, 2006

delayed again

I think that I have bad travelling karma. My flight back to Boston today was over an hour late (an hour late to board, then, when we finally got to the runway we were 10th in line to take off). My flights never seem to be on time! I will say, though, that I care a whole lot less about delays when I'm going back o Boston as opposed to coming home. Probably because I'm not all that eager to get back here.

Now I'm back in my apartment. One of my smoke alarms keeps beeping for no apparent reason (there's no smoke. anywhere.). It might drive me crazy.

Finally, a quick apology to everyone I didn't see when I was home (which is everyone who isn't a member of my family). It was such a short trip (4 days) and between my lack of a car, not feeling super, and just general homebodiness, I didn't exactly make it out. Good thing I'll be home for good in 6 weeks :)

the last time

I'm leaving for the airport in about an hour and a half to head back to Cambridge for the last time. I'm not ready at all. Not just in the literal sense, that my suitcase isn't yet packed (which it's not) but in the broader, emotional sense. There's so much that went undone this break, so much that I should have done, that I needed to do, but I didn't. I haven't been this upset about leaving in a long time. And it's largely irrational for me to be upest -- in 6 weeks I'll be back in Chicago for good. (Note: it's Sunday evening now and I've just edited out a large portion of this post that I've decided I really wasn't comfortable posting because it was just too personal.)

I also hate leaving because I hate leaving Zoe. It's always made me really sad saying goodbye to the dogs but this time is particularly difficult. I've spent so much time with Zoe these past few days, trying to keep her company since she's otherwise all alone and it just makes me so sad to think of her all by herself for the next 6 weeks until I come home again. (Let's be honest, it also makes me sad for me to be by myself for the next 6 weeks until I come home again) Also, there's just something about cuddling up with a dog that makes everything right in the world -- I need more of that in my life.

OK, really have to go pack now...