inner voices

Friday, April 28, 2006

busy busy busy

Wow, I haven't updated in a bit and the last post was such a downer... Life has gotten better but it's been INSANE. Here's a quickie summary:
Weds. night was this fancy schmancy dinner for the 3L class with the Dean at the Charles Hotel. Good times were had (as well as good wine) but I got sick later that evening (no, not from the wine, rather it's a recurring stomach issue that I thought was done recurring). So that wasn't so fun, but oh well. Anyway, it led me to not get a whole lot of sleep Weds. night which was especially un-fun since I had to be at my internship at 8 AM on Thursday. Was moderately productive yesterday and got a lot of stuff ready for Springfest (more later). Went home and CRASHED. Seriously, I went to bed at 8 last night! It was amazing.

Now I'm at my last day of my internship, waiting for my supervisor to get here. Plenty to do while I wait, though with Springfest tomorrow. Springfest is this huge event that I've been planning (prettty much by myself) for weeks and it's happening tomorrow. I will be an extraordinarily happy person once it's over.

Big weekend. In addition to Springfest, we've also got a spring concert happening tomorrow afternoon (a U2 cover band is coming). Then tomorrow night is the 3L Prom. Then I should really start studyign for finals... Tuesday is my last day of classes. Ever. CRAZY!!

OK, off to get stuff done.


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