inner voices

Saturday, April 22, 2006

the solution

So if you read my last post, you're probably curious about how the situation worked out (or not, but I'd like to think that you are). So I finally reach hte restaurant at 4:30 this afternoon (on a payphone again) and they still haven't found my phone. Because I was going to change cell providers in 3 weeks anyway, it didn't make sense to pay for a new phone from Sprint (I have the phone insurance but it's still a $50 deductible). So, I went to Cingular and got myself a PRETTY PINK RAZR!!
Same phone number as I've had for 3 years (for now -- I'll change it when I get to Chicago). Can't use the phone tonight, as it needs to charge, but I'm feeling much much better. If I had your phone number, I don't anymore so please email it to me if you get a chance...

Going to the grocery store for a quick trip in a few, then it's EARLY TO BED because I think I got approximately 3 hours of sleep last night...


  • Oh my gosh! I just broke my old phone & went out and got that phone too!! It's so pretty!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 9:45 AM  

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