inner voices

Friday, February 24, 2006

what a relief!

Just found out that my 3L paper, which I thought was due on March 15, is actually not due until April 5. That is a HUGE relief. I mean, I sitll want to power through and get my rough draft finished in the next week (I'm about halfway there currently), it gives me so much more time for editing (and if what I have written already is any indication, it's going to need a lot of editing). Big relief.

Not a whole lot else going on. I'm probably not going to go out at all this weekend so that I can really focus on my paper (I know, boring) but that's ok. This afternoon I'm going shopping -- need something to wear to those weddings! Weddings are funny creatures -- they're all anyone talks about. Seriously, I feel like for the past week or two, at least half of my conversations have been about weddings, either one of the ones I'm going to or one someone else is going to. And I'm guilty of that as much as anyone else. Oh well. I have my apprehensions, but March will be a fun month.

OK, back to work!


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