inner voices

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Dear Time,
Why are you moving SO SLOWLY??  First off, how is it that it's only Tuesday?  Seriously, I feel like it should be more like Thursday (though I'm kind of glad it isn't because I have an awful lot of things that need to be done before Thursday that are not done as of this moment).  More importantly though, how is it that's only noon?  Not even noon?  I know I've been at the office since 7 o'clock this morning, but really, the day has just dragged on.  It definitely feels more like the end of the day than like lunchtime.  And as early as I got here, I'm going to be here late... (though I will take a break at 5 or 5:30 to go to the gym).  So seriously time, let's get moving at normal speed at least.  Today is painful enough without you dragging your feet...
Not feeling the love,


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