Dear Panera,
I just wanted to take a moment and tell you how excited I am that you are opening up right across the street from my office! I don't know when you're going to open, but earlier this week, a sign went up that said "opening soon" and that made me pretty happy. I enjoy you Panera. In addition to being quite delicious, you bring me back mentally to happy days. It's hard to eat my tuna sandwich and not think back to a time when my Friday afternoons after school were spent at the Panera in Hubbard Woods, me eating my tuna salad sandwich and my companion eating his chicken salad sandwich. Back when the world was an easier place. Is it weird that every time I eat Panera, my mind goes back there just a little bit? Maybe, but I'm ok with that. I also love that they have Dr. Pepper in their soda thing (not that I drink non-diet soda anymore, but it used to make me extremely happy). So anyway, hurry up and open!!
With love,
but do you remember when it used to be St. Louis Bread Company?
those were the days....
Anonymous, At
9:12 PM
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