This is not the post I thought I'd be writing tonight. I thought I'd be coming on here to apologize for being so infrequent with my postings lately and gripe about how painfully boring BarBri was today (class started today). Instead, I've had a very awful day and will post about that instead.
First of all, and most heartbreaking, we are no longer getting a puppy this weekend. The puppy we were supposed to get had a heart murmer and it was pretty serious. This is especially sad because my dad and I got to meet the puppy a few weeks ago. We will still get a new puppy -- Zoe is lonely! -- but not until the end of July probably (it will *nicely* coincide with the bar exam...). :(
Then, after hearing about this, I was on my way to REI in Niles this afternoon to pick up my family's bike the drive packets (this Sunday -- so fun!) when I was in a minor car accident (no injuries). I was stopped in traffic on the highway when a man hit the woman behind me (also stopped) who then hit me. No real damage to my car but it was pretty scary. It took FOREVER for the police to arrive (almost 45 minutes) but we needed them to come because the man who instigated the accident was uninsured (of course). An hour and a half after the accident, we were finally ready to get moving again but, of course, that wasn't to be -- my car wouldn't start. This is strike number 3 for the day... Tried to jump it with the state trooper but it wouldn't start still so I called AAA. It took over an hour for the tow truck to arrive and, once he got there, he was thankfully able to jump my car (don't know why it hadn't worked earlier but I was so glad to have wasted another hour and a half...). Basically I spent over 3 hours sitting on the shoulder of the Edens... not quite how I wanted to spend my day.
Going backwards... I did start bar review today. It was pretty boring, but frankly, I've sat through worse classes than that... We'll see if I still feel that way in a few weeks...