inner voices

Friday, March 31, 2006

in fond memory

So the real reason I haven't posted about my vacation yet has nothing to do with anything that happened on my trip. Trip(s) were good, I'll write about them later, there are more important things going on though. I really haven't written because I can't find the appropriate words to mourn the loss of Bo. My brother's dog passed away on Saturday night after almost 13 years of a wonderful life. He is greatly missed by the whole family. It has been so strange to be home without him here, as he was such a big part of my life for so long. I really can't put what I'm feeling into words, but just know that he was a wonderful dog and it's pretty sad here without him.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


I'm in Chicago (well, Glencoe), back from Colorado. Have been trying to write a post (or two) about Colorado for the past day but just haven't come up with anything. Will do so soon. Until then, I'll be around until Sunday.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

the power of oprah

So my day didn't start out so great. I had a pretty negative morning. Then I did a lot of tax reading, which didn't exactly make me feel better. And then I didn't really have anything to do, so I was bored, which just doesn't help lift the spirit. So, I decided to start watching my new Oprah's 20th Anniversary Collection dvd(s). (No, I didn't pay for them -- it's expensive! I found a gift certificate to that I got for filling out a school-related survey last year and realized that I should use it before I lost it again...hence Oprah). So anyway, I watched like 4 hours of it tonight (out of 17 or so total) and it was great. Made me laugh, made me cry, but mostly just made me happy. I like Oprah. And now I'm not bored and I'm in a good place. The power of Oprah... And the best news is, I still have 13 unseen hours left to watch :)

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I am losing my mind! I have been sitting at my clinical (non law-school speak = internship) for over 2 hours with NOTHING to do. My supervisors aren't here yet and the things that we discussed my doing today cannot be done without them... And the worst is that I'm just sitting here thinking of all the productive things I could be doing if I was at home (or if I had brought the right materials with me). Blah.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

where did spring go?

OK, so it was spring for a few blissful days, and now it's snowing again... WTF? Yesterday I ran outside in shorts and a tshirt and today I'm wearing my winter coat again. Grrr. I want to retire my coat for the season!

Anyway, not much to report on here. I got called on in Corporate Tax this morning (after the first 4 people he called on weren't in class) and managed not to sound like too much of a moron. That was good. And this afternoon I have an hour-long presentation (really a 20 minute presentation followed by my leading a 40 minute discussion) in my clinical workshop. So not looking forward to that!

Weird that I go home again a week from today... Basically, between next Tuesday and Sunday, I will not sleep in the same place twice... (Tuesday: Cambridge, Weds: Glencoe, Thurs: Denver (hotel), Fri: Denver (friend's couch), Sat: C. Springs, Sun: Aspen). As crazed as things will be though, I'm really excited for spring break and all the happenings around it. The wedding should be super fun (with no prospects for drama!) and I'm so looking forward to skiing with my parents in Aspen (never been to Aspen before and skiing, well, skiing in Colorado is always wonderful). Now if I can just makeit through the next week...

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Pics

So, 11 hours of sleep later I feel much better today. Unfortunately, I then had to do over 100 pages of corporate tax reading so I'm now feeling not so hot again, but that's purely a result of brain overload. Anyway, here are a few of my pics from Mandy's wedding. To see all of them, go to my flickr album (link is also to the right).

Me and the Bride

Me and Lisa

Joe and Me
Kendra and Me

Glencoe Girls...

and Winnetka Boys

Sunday, March 12, 2006

wild weekend

What a weekend! I'm really not in any capacity to blog about it right now... let's just say that my body is really not used to consuming that much alcohol and sleeping that little... But the wedding was wonderful. It was so great to see everyone (and such a trip to see some people who I hadn't seen in over 5 years). I am exhausted. I slept the plane ride, which was super except that now I still have to do my homework... yeah. Anyway, I'll post more about the wedding and I'll put up some pictures in the next few days when I'm feeling a bit more myself.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

snip snip

Got a haircut today and, unlike last time, I LOVE it. Hopefully I still love it when I do it myself (tomorrow) but I think I will. Didn't really lose any length but now it has a shape and it moves which is what was sorely lacking before. Exciting! I was super nervous before going but now I'm wishing that I'd tried this place two years ago, instead of waiting until right before I move. Oh well.

Not much else going on. Tonight I have to pack for this weekend becuaes I won't have a chance tomorrow (clinical all day, then Parody tomorrow night (law school comedy show poking fun at HLS)). Amazing how difficult it is to pack for a 2 night trip... I mean, don't want to bring too much but I need to make sure that I have enough. And I obviously have something to wear to the wedding, but what to wear to a "casual pizza dinner" on Friday night? This should not be this difficult...

(really I'm not a complete diva...I just don't really have clothes in the right size other than heavy winter clothes; everything "springy" I have is a few sizes too big, but that's a whole other post).

Sunday, March 05, 2006

greased lightning!

Seriously, is there any kind of bad day that accidentally catching Grease on TV doesn't make totally better? I own the dvd and haven't even opened it but I love it when I happen to catch it on tv. I mean, it's just one of those movies that you can't watch without getting up and singing along! Well, maybe some people can (weirdos) but I can't!

Anyway, I was annoyed earlier because the stupid dryers in my building don't work and to add more time you have to put in another full $1.50 (bringing the cost/load to 4.50 which is excessive). Criteria for apartment in Chicago: in unit washer/dryer.

Skiing yesterday ended up being pretty fun. Very cold and very windy (up to 50 MPH at the top!) but I felt great on the mountain. Conditions were pretty icy but there was some decent snow once you got down the mountain and into areas that were more protected from the wind. There is no feeling in the world like flying down the mountain. Made me REALLY look forward to Aspen in a few weeks :)

Those are all the thoughts for today. Commercial is over -- back to Grease!

Friday, March 03, 2006

so damn cold!

I was all prepared to go into Boston tonight to watch the CC vs DU hockey game with a bunch of CC alumni (and DU alumni I think) but it is WAY TOO COLD. Too bad too because I really sort of rearranged my day so that I could do this tonight but oh well. Nothing could get me to leave my apartment again tonight.

It's been a largely uneventful few days. Spent a while today myspace messaging back and forth with an old friend who I hadn't talked to in ages who I'll see next weekend at Mandy's wedding so that was fun. Also found out through email that another person who I haven't seen in ages will be there so that's exciting. Increasingly looking forward to next weekend!

Skiing tomorrow. Brrrr.