Dear Weekend,
I just have to thank you because you were awesome. To say that I needed that would be an understatement like none other. I can't believe I actually thought about not going because I had too much work to do and was just too frazzled to go. There was nothing to be worried about though - I still got plenty of work done over the weekend but I got to do it without sacrificing my happiness. Didn't get enough sleep but that's ok - made up for it Sunday night when I got home. And even if I hadn't, it still woudl have been worth it, because really, what am I going to regret more when I look back in 10 years (or 10 days)? Not getting enough sleep one weekend or missing out on a wonderful experience? Yeah, I'll take sleep deprivation any day. This isn't very coherent, I apologize. But really I just wanted to thank you for exceeding my expectations and leaving me with wonderful memories that will hopefully make it a little bit easier to get through the next few potentially brutal weeks at work!
Thanks :)
you and your adventures.... seems like every 2-3 weeks, you have some exciting yarn about what happened to you to spin. i'm kinda jealous ;-)
tcd111, At
12:02 PM
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