Dear Sister Hazel,
First off, let me say that I'm LOVING the new cd, "Santa's Playlist." That said, it's a little weird to be listening to Christmas music (plus one Hanukkah song) in September... The leaves on the trees haven't even turned colors yet! Anyone walking into my office and hearing it is really going to think I'm crazy... Usually it bothers the hell out of me when people do Christmasy things this early, pushing the holidays up before even Halloween but really before Thanksgiving even. I made an exception for you, though, because I think you're so awesome and because I just don't have that kind of self control! I figure I'll listen to it for the next week or so and then I'll PUT IT AWAY until the day after Thanksgiving when it is totally appropriate to be listening to that kind of music. Great album though - it's the third amazing gift you've given to your fans in less than a year and we really appreciate it!!
With love,
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