inner voices

Monday, September 17, 2007

Dear Mother Nature,
So I was reading the weather forecast in the newspaper this morning and saw that the high tomorrow is 90 degrees.  Interesting.  While I must say that I enjoy the return to warm weather (it was unpleasantly cool during parts of this weekend), it does create a bit of a problem for me.  You see, last Thursday night/Friday morning, when I was picking clothes to bring back out to the suburbs to wear to work this week, the forecast did NOT say 90 degrees.  So I brought a bunch of sweaters.  Would have been appropriate had the weather stayed in the 50s and 60s.  Not exactly going to be appropriate to wear tomorrow... Hopefully I can find something workable in my mother's closet.  But we shall see.  Otherwise, I will be one unhappy (and sweaty) person for the next few days... So you see, while I love the warm weather, prefer it to the cold, and would never actually complain about it, I do ask for a bit more warning next time. 


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