Dear Current Workweek,
I must say, your existence (as a workweek) puzzles me. There is absolutely no reason for me to be here. I have done so little work today and yesterday. I have, however, cleaned my office quite nicely. Yet I am here. Just in case someone might need me. But no one will need me, unless of course I leave. Then someone will need me and I won't be here and that will be a problem. So I sit here, doing not a lot of anything, thinking about the things that I could be doing if I weren't here, like returning Christmas presents, going to Best Buy to pick up the Christmas present I gave to myself (more on that another time), making soup with my new immersion blender, baking, or doing absolutely nothing. All of which sound preferable to sitting at my desk trolling the limited internet sites that I can access from work (ugh - Websense!). Giving the timing of the holidays, and especially given the fact that we already have next Monday off, wouldn't it have just made more sense for this whole week to have been holiday?? I think so...
Just a thought,
Oh, I totally understand your frustration. I could work a 4 day week or a 6 hour day and generally still have work time to spare but I am sure my higher-ups would be very disapproving of this. It galls me because I don't even get paid by the hour so it shouldn't matter how little I work...
Happy new year, a little early.
Kimberly, At
5:29 PM
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