Dear People Emailing Me (or otherwise writing things that I read),
It is time to learn the difference between "your" and "you're" (and never "youre," unless it's really just a typo, which is somewhat forgiveable, but not really). Unless you are replacing the words "you are" with one word (in which case you use the contraction "you're"), you pretty much ALWAYS use "your" (which is possessive).
For example - you would NEVER say "I like you're shirt" but you WOULD say "I like YOUR shirt" because you are not saying "I like you are shirt." Similarly, you would never say "Your right, my shirt is awesome" but you WOULD say "YOU'RE right, my shirt is awesome" because you are saying "You ARE right..."
Just one of my grammar pet peeves that (IMO) makes the writer look relatively uneducated and to be perfectly honest, makes me take such writers less seriously. This is not a difficult concept, not a difficult rule.
I'm glad you're back after your break from blogging!
Kimberly, At
9:04 PM
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