Dear October,
I must say, I am not sorry to see you go. While there of course were some highlights to the month, for the most part, you were brutal.
I'll start with the highlights:
~Got to see Joe twice this month, including a really good trip down to Purdue
~Two really awesome nights out in Chicago (a girls' night in Ukranian Village and a housewarming in Hyde Park - totally different groups of people, totally different nights, both amazing)
But that's about it for the highlights. The rough parts of this month definitely outweighed those!
To elaborate...
~Over 240 billable hours of work. Which translates into probably at least 300 actual hours spent at work (because I can't bill every hour I'm here and interviewing and practice development in particular add up to a lot of non-billable time...)
~Severe sleep deficits throughout the month that left me alternating between a haze and a funk a lot of the time
~Had to cancel not one but two trips (OK, so one trip I actually cancelled during September but was supposed to happen in October and the other I cancelled during Ocober but was to happen in November but both touched October so both count here). And let me tell you - missing Joe and Kendra's wedding (for work no less) SUCKED
~Barely got to see my friends at all :(
So while I don't expect November to be easy by any means, I'm hoping for an improvement! October... you will not be missed!
Looking forward, not back,
I think October needs a gigantic spanking for blowing so much. Seriously. Although, my November is proving to be pretty stressful too...sadness.
It's pretty amazing when you find out that you can run at maximum capacity for so long. I hope things get better for you soon--perhaps Thanksgiving will relax you?
Kimberly, At
12:54 AM
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