crazy life
Being a first year associate is just so bizarre. In many ways it doesn't always agree with me because it is very unpredictable and, as my mother could tell you, I'm not exactly the most flexible person out there. This week has been a perfect illustration of that. Tuesday and Wednesday were absolutely insane. I billed almost 24 hours in 2 days. I expected today to be crazy too, but instead today has been SO slow as I've been waiting to receive documents for some deals and further instructions on others. I actually wanted to be really productive today because tomorrow afternoon is our office party and I'd love to not have to come back afterwards (it goes until 3) but if I don't receive what I need until tomorrow... Oh well. That's life I guess. I need to work on that whole "flexibility" thing...
In other news... well, there isn't much other news. I've been too busy at work for there to be other news. Hopefully this weekend will be good though. In an ideal world, I'd stay in Friday night and go to bed super early, wake up early Saturday morning and go for a long run (because Saturday is supposed to be really warm!), spend the rest of the day Saturday in the suburbs doing Christmasy stuff and then come back into the city to go out on Saturday night, only to spend all day Sunday in my pajamas doing a little bit of cooking and a lot of nothing. I'll let you know how that turns out :)
The first year out of school is so weird. At first you're excited because you don't have exams anymore... but then you realize, you can't just skip out (it's work), you got to show up every day and actually do stuff. You might have to work late, travel and do stuff you don't want to do. Plus all that and you're supposed to act like an adult. It's a tough transition.
Well, what can I say? Good luck making your way through the adult world. I've been at it a few years and still wonder what the hell I'm doing.
W. O. Noonan, At
8:32 PM
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