inner voices

Sunday, October 29, 2006


What a fantastic weekend. Hooray for Halloween festivities!! Here are a few highlights (some with pictures!):

1. Rocky Horror Picture Show on Friday night. We looked amazing and it was so fun. I'd never been to it in the theater before (so yes, I was a "virgin" and I "lost my virginity" on Friday night). So fun. My camera died though, so I don't have the best pics -- Lisa and Quinton do though... Here's one of just me:

2. Adventures in baking. I decided to make chocolate peanut butter balls (also known as buckeyes). They are sinfully delicious and are really easy to make but, as with the first time I bake anything, I had some issues and made a gigantic mess out of the kitchen. Luckily they turned out well :) More luckily, I have no leftovers...

3. People in costumes. Being out on Saturday night, we saw some GREAT costumes. The winner, the highlight of it all, was a little person (trying to be PC here...) dressed as a dwarf. SO FUNNY! Quinton and I were dying trying not to laugh in front of him. Tyler somehow missed all of this and thought we were losing our minds but it was SO FUNNY. Runners up: a guy dressed as a box of tampons and a group of guys dressed as the Duke Lacrosse Team (some shirts had "innocent" on the backs, others had "guilty").

4. Party Saturday night. Went to a Halloween party with Quinton and Tyler. Loads of fun. I was a devil, Quinton was a bumble bee, and Tyler was a greaser. This picture sums up a lot... Ok, maybe not but it's a funny picture :)

5. Pumpkin carving party today. A girls only party and it was so fun. Such good food and pretty pumpkins. Also, really fun to meet new people (ok, so I had met a few of them on Saturday night, but Sunday was a bit more conducive to actual conversation...) Here's a picture of all the pumpkins lined up in a row. Mine is the third from the right. It's now living at my parents' house.

As you can tell, I've had quite the weekend. Wish I had another one to recover, but unfortunately tomorrow is back to the grind. The rest of my pics will be up on flickr in the next day or two...


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