inner voices

Thursday, October 06, 2005

So, while I'm stuck sitting in the Hark doing nothing because the painters are in my apartment (thus preventing me from napping), I thought I'd let you know all the random things that I've thought about in the past day or so. Enjoy!
1. Life is so random. Yesterday, while walking from Starbucks in the Square back to campus, I ran into my RA from freshman year of college. As if it's not weird enough to run into CC people here (which it sort of is), she's not even from the US making it even less likely that I'd see her. SO bizarre! She's at Harvard's divinity school. Crazy!
2. I have a real problem paying attention in class. Really it's just one of my classes that poses this problem and I think it's because I know I won't have to take a final in it. I'm writing my 3L paper in conjunction with the course and this professor lets you write a paper instead of the final so no final for Cassie. This greatly disincentivizes me to pay attention in class because it's just not important to any end cause (beyond the fact that it's interesting). But it's hard to be interested in anything without external motivation for 2 hours at 8:15 in the morning...
3. Television. What a life sucker, but I love it. I have digital cable and my new favorite channel is the Style network. All the makeover shows -- wonderful! I think it would be so fun to be on one (well, some of them. don't care to be on "The Look for Less"). I'm sad that I can't be watching tv now in fact.
4. Most amusing discovery ever: the "missed connections" on Craigslist. Seriously... If I saw a hot guy on the subway, why would I expect that A) he would have noticed me and then B) checked on Craigslist "missed connections" AND C) recognized himself or me in the description? Do people actually find each other this way?? Oh well, another useful waste of time.
5. Celeb goss -- WAY too much! So much going on in the celeb world right now, I might have to end my abstinence from People and US Weekly! I mean, Nick and Jess breaking up is pretty big if it's actually happening but the real news is TomKat's upcoming baby. Aside fromt he fact that I think that the whole TomKat thing is totally wrong to begin with, now they're subjecting a third person to their insanity... And is this child going to be raised Christian Scientist? Think Katie Holmes will rethink the Christian Scientist thing when it means she can't have any pain meds during birth?? (I mean, I know people do it all the time, but come on, we're talking about Joey from DC). I miss the old Katie Holmes... OK, really I just miss Dawson's Creek...
That's probably enough from me. Frankly, I'd be impressed if anyone kept reading this far :)


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