inner voices

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Barack Obama

Today I happened upon the immense good fortune of the opportunity to see (and hear) Sen. Barack Obama. He was speaking at the HLS Black Alumni function and I stood outside the tent where he was speaking and listened. WOW!! He is amazing. He is brilliant and defies all political stereotypes. It's like he articulates so beautifully what I feel about the general situation of the world. And it's not politics -- in fact it's so distinctly apolitical. At a time when blaming the president or the republican party would be so easy, and so many people are doing it, Obama speaks not of blame but of responsibility. It doesn't matter whose fault the inadequate response to Katrina was, rather what's important is that we ALL take responsibility for fixing it and making sure that nothing like that happens again.

Another part of his philosophy that really grabs me and resonates with me is the crucial distinction he draws between seeing problems and answers as an either/or issue or a both/and issue, particularly his choice of the latter. Take, for example, the problems stemming with public schools. With the either/or attitude, people would say that either the problem was with the government not giving enough money for schools or the general societal ills of a lack of support for education within families and communities. However, the both/and attitude recognizes that the problem stems both from governmental failure to provide money and support and cultural barriers to getting children to appreciate the value of an education. The only effective solutions can come from people who recognize this both/and attitude.

The importance of a holistic view is so undervalued and underrecognized in politics today. People are so busy taking sides that they don't pay enough attention to what they're actually saying. I applaud Barack for separating from the pack and doing what no one else is willing to do -- admit that he doesn't have all of the answers and that he can't do it without the people who see the other sides.

If only more of our national and world leaders were more like Barack Obama, I think we would live in a very different world.


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