quieting the voices and other thoughts
So if you know me at all in real life, you know that I talk to myself. A lot. And that often I talk to myself out loud. It's always just been something that I've done and I just chalked it up to my own quirkiness. No harm no foul. Well, it needs to stop. Now. Because when you talk out loud to yourself at work, other people hear you. And you come across as kind of insane. It's one thing when I'm in my office and sort of muttering to myself as I read a document, that's ok. It's quite another to be having a full on conversation with myself while walking down the hall or in the elevator. Yeah... this needs to stop.
In other news, it has gotten cold. Unseasonably cold. I've had to wear my winter coat for the past couple of days. I love my coat (black, wool, goes down below the knees) but I get a very strange sensation when I wear it. When my coat brushes up against my legs, it makes me feel like I'm wearing a bathrobe. And then I have to look down at my body to make sure that I'm actually dressed. This is bizarre, right? Hopefully I'll get used to the coat and this will stop happening...
Finally, TGIF. Yeah, it's still morning and I have a full day of work to get through but then it's weekend. Yay for weekend. No big plans this weekend. The goals are to finish my book, interview potential scholars for the scholarship foundation I'm involved with, and cook. Haven't decided what to cook yet, but I'm definitely in the mood for cooking. So if I cook...anyone want to come over for dinner Saturday?
So, I say this with love as a native Chicagoan. :) "Unseasonably" cold? Come on now. It is always, always Really Freaking Cold in Chicago at any point after Oct. 1 all the way through to May 1. Since I too have been wearing my winter coat in our own unseasonable (50 degree) temperatures, moving back to Chicago would probably kill me. There is no coat in the world that is warm enough....
The Once and Future TC, At
1:42 AM
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