an update
It feels like it's been so long since I've updated but really it's only been 4 days. Things have been so crazy since I've been back from vacation. MPRE last week, a party friday night, lots of work Saturday, hung out with Jamie and Melissa Sunday (her brother goes to school in Boston so she was in town visiting), then general craziness this week. Of course, part of this has to do with the fact that I have a final this week. At the beginning of the semester, I thought it sounded great to have a class that would only last 8 weeks because it was one less final I'd have to take during finals time. Now, however, I realize what poor reasoning that was because it's that much MORE work that I have to do now when I have other things going on. I'll be so glad when it's over. Frankly, I'll be so glad when all of this is over. I cannot wait to start working and living like a normal person on a normal schedule. Everyone tells me how much I'll miss school, and I'm sure that I will miss the vacations, but enough is enough. I'm ready to lead a structured life where what I'm doing actually matters. Everything I do now just seems so irrelevant... Oh well, soon enough I suppose.
I'm having that same problem now! I hate working on a Ph.d. that is mostly useless, and I hate earning pennies when I have skills that could get me a lot more in the 'real world'. Grr. But at least it can't last forever.
Anonymous, At
12:54 PM
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