inner voices

Friday, November 04, 2005

need sleep

This has been THE longest week. Actually, it's gone really fast but there's been so much going on... Most of it has been prep for the MPRE (multistate professional responsibility exam -- it's a portion of the bar). Took the test today -- it sucked. It's supposed to be an ethics test but it doesn't actually test whether you're ethical but rather whether you've memorized the ABA model rules of "professional responsibility" which aren't actually law in any state. So dumb. I hope I passed but I really don't know that I did... If not, I'll be re-taking the exam in March...

Went out tonight. HLCentral party at Big Easy but it was only OK b/c the club was mostly college kids. However, since I didn't really have to spend much money (no cover, got free drinks through HLCentral) it was pretty cool. So glad to finally have a friend to go out with...

Still trying to catch up on sleep from the time changes I went through last weekend... definitely bedtime for me now.


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