inner voices

Monday, August 13, 2007

Dear Life,
Not really sure who to address this *letter* to - it's more of just a general observation.  So you seem as good as anyone else. 
Expectations are a funny thing.  I used to be such a firm believer in not having any.  Because when you don't have expectations (or at least when you don't have high expectations), situations can only pleasantly surprise you, they can't really let you down.  But when you do have expectations, things never seem to work out the way you want them to.  The last two weekends are the perfect example.  Both were good weekends.  Two weekends ago, I really wanted things to go a certain way, there were certain things I wanted to happen.  It wasn't a bad weekend, but it didn't happen exactly the way I wanted it to and I didn't get to do everything I'd planned and so I ended up really disappointed, EVEN THOUGH it wasn't a bad weekend.  This weekend, on the other hand, I had no expecations, actually thought it was going to be a pretty nothing weekend, and ended up having a great weekend and being really pleasantly surprised a number of times.  Moral of the story, I think I need to go back to my old ways of not having expectations (or at least of minimizing them).  Because I'll take the way weekend number 2 made me feel over the way weekend number 1 made me feel any day, even though, from a purely objective standpoint, they were both really good weekends. 
So Life, what's up with that?  Any explanations?
Thanks for listening,


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