Dear Lake Michigan,
Guess what - I no longer hate you! Exciting, I know. I guess I didn't exactly hate you before, it was more that I thought you were really gross. And I still think you're sorta gross, but not in the same way. What changed my mind, you may wonder? Well, I swam in you in an area where I didn't have to touch the bottom ever. And that made all the difference. For you see, it's the bottom of the lake that I find particularly gross. Especially growing up going to beaches in the north shore where it's all rocky but even in the city where it's sandy, I just think that the bottom of the lake (of any lake really) is icky. But when you get in where it's already 8 feet deep and just swim around there, then the bottom is irrelevent.
Anyway, just thought I'd share that bit of happy news :)
With love,
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