Dear Qdoba,
You're ok. You're more than ok, you're pretty good. But you'll never be as good as Chipotle. Sorry, but it's the cold, hard truth. You try, I know you try. But the fact is, I think you spread yourself a little too thin. Some would say that it's your menu variety that makes you better. But really, people don't go to places like Qdoba and Chipotle for "grilled chicken mango salad" or for "mexican gumbo." They want burritos and tacos (or, if they're Jay, quesadillas). And Chipotle just does burritos better. Period. They use better ingredients and they just taste better. So while I appreciate your shorter line and your ranchera sauce that you put in your fajita burrito, I will never be a Qdoba convert.
Seriously. So true.
Anonymous, At
11:57 PM
so i finally went and checked out their menu after your many and heartfelt rants against them.
pesto poblano burritto??? seriously, wtf? and that mexican gumbo just sounds like some recent marketing grad needs to chill the fuck out and quit trying so damn hard.
i am, however, intrigued by their breakfast burrito... but with their many and varied sins I'll have to be a conscientious (sp?) objector.
tcd111, At
6:08 PM
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