inner voices

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Dear Summer,
WELCOME!!!  Ok, so I know that technically, you don't start until the solstice on June 21, but really Memorial Day is your unofficial beginning.  And I am happy to have you here. 
The long weekend was great - what a way to usher you in!  Not enough sleep, but really, is there ever anymore???  I got to do lots of my favorite things: eat sushi, look at pictures, drive my mini, see my family, spend time outside, go for a long bike ride (on Lake Shore Drive no less!), take multiple naps, have long deep conversations with my closest friends, walk along the lakefront, and even catch up on a little tv watching!  Basically, if this weekend was a hint of what's to come for the rest of the summer, it's going to be insane but I think (hope) it'll be fun.  And I need fun right now.  More than anything I need fun right now. 
So bring it on summer.  You are my favorite season so don't let me down!!!
With love,


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