inner voices

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Dear real life,
Hate to say this, but you sort of suck. I much preferred your alter
ego, student life. I mean yeah, there are things about you that I
enjoy, like having an income. And that I now live in Chicago as
opposed to Cambridge. But overall, being a student wins over being a
productive member of society. In student life, jobs are just for the
summer. And you get real vacations. And if you want to sleep late
once in a while, you miss class, get someone else's notes, and life
goes on, no big deal. Mostly though, things just didn't have the same
kinds of consequences in student life as they do in real life. *sigh*
I'm sure there's more about real life to like that I didn't have in
student life. But right now, I'm not digging you at all...
Not feelin the love,


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